Monday, January 22, 2007

Training 'that voice'

The voice in my head tells me "You don't belong."

I hear it all the time. I hear it along with a clanging noise, a false note, a claxon sound. It tells me "danger danger danger," and suggests I step aside, step aside.

So I do. I so want to belong that I try. I show up, I raise my hand, I speak well, I get compliments on what I say and how I say it. I get it, and I usually get it well.

But I never really feel like I belong. I see a sidelong glance down the table, or a subtle note being taken. I feel a fakey smile or sense that someone feels threatened. Am I imagining this? Yeah, sure. Probably. Much of it is because I am set up to expect them not to want me. It feels like the lunchroom in junior high, and even high school. Like the school bus and having nowhere set to sit.

But some of it is not made up. Some of it is my keen sense of people, my ability to read through some of the things people are saying to actually hear what they want to say. I'm quick to take offense, sure. But that doesn't mean there isn't offense offered.

I don't always act on the instinct to run. I stay, sometimes. I usually regret it, but not always. Sometimes it's OK. When I manage to stay, it's because I am telling myself "It's only a story, you are hearing rejection where there is none, they have no reason to outright reject you, you are OK."

And then I doodle on my scratch pad, drawing broad swirls, and count my breath. In, out, in, out, in, out, up to five and back down to one. It's only a story.

If I do this 5,000 more times -- about the number of times I have believed the story -- it might help.


Austin of Sundrip said...

I tried to leave a comment a few days ago but I wasn't able to use blogger comments. I found out why (disabled cookies setting) and fixed it but I wanted to come by and personally thank you instead of leaving my reply on my blog. I just wanted to say I appreciate the information on PTSD and what my therapist is suggesting we try in our sessions. It was very helpful. I just wanted you to know that.
The People Behind My Eyes

Bleeding Heart said...

I am so glad that I found You and "Amanda (This side of reason)" I can so relate to your post. For so long in my a child, an adolescent, a teenager, and now an adult in her 40's, I still feel the same way you do within this post. There are times when I will go out with acquantances(Sp) and friends - I want to belong, I want to feel part of "The Group," but in the end I don't.

Just last night, I went to my Book Club Meeting - I am a part of a Book club which is awesome. I have been a part of it for about 3 years now and I know the people that are in it now for about 6 years. We "discussed" some things and when I went home, I feared that I said "Something Wrong." I am now worried that maybe my opinions were too open, too abrupt so to speak...I worry all the time before I walk out of my I will act, or how should I act, watch what you say, or what should you say - It is like- I don't know how to be ME!

Does that make any sense?