Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Dear Bully, Take 2

Dear Bully:

You write to me more than 25 years after you tortured me for years and apologize?

You want my life to be successful -- why? To assuage your guilt? So you can think it didn't matter.

Well stick it up your fat ass. I don't remember much about you -- just have a vision of a twisted ugly face, lots of ratty dark hair and a big fat girl. How you must have hated yourself to feel the need to bully me. I never did a thing to any of you -- I never did anything except try to get along, get through it, and yet you made sport of tormenting me.

You don't deserve to know how my life has gone. You don't deserve to know whether you fucked me up or not. Go to hell.


Polar Bear said...

wow. I can see how the bullying has affected you through your life. I'm so glad you are able to stand up for yourself today. I don't think the insecurities will ever go away, but you are absolutely right - this person does not deserve your forgiveness.

Polar B.

Bleeding Heart said...

Writing the letter and not necessarily sending great therapy.:)

I cannot tell you what to do, but I wouldn't send it...

The best reaction is NO reaction at all...people HATE silence!

Amanda said...


Let it all out, you're doing good.