Saturday, January 13, 2007

All I wanted was an apology

Well, it seems Manderine really didn't have the power of her conviction. Less than a day after I criticized her for trash talking a patient with borderline personality disorder (see my earlier posts), her blog is gone. Not just the offensive post, but the whole blog.

I have to say, from reading through her blog earlier, it wasn't hard to figure out that she was in training at a major hospital in the midwest. It wasn't hard to figure out which school, but that's not relevant here.

It brought up some interesting things for me. I was furious that she thought it was OK to violate a person's privacy like that (her defense: it was an amalgam of patients' histories, not just one). She, or someone wiser than her, agreed with me that it was ethically and/or legally wrong, which is why she removed it.

I was also hurt at her description of a person with borderline personality disorder and the lengths to which that person (supposedly) went to get attention and caring. And the tone in which that description was made was so ... cold. So cold. And this from one of the people who will be a future psychiatrist/therapist/doctor. (Wasn't completely clear to me.) This is why our mental health system is in such crisis.

What do you think about all this?

1 comment:

Juniper said...

Hi there,

I've wanted to say hello since you introduced yourself over at my blog. I recently had a similar experience at a party. I was seated next to a young female therapist. After expressing interest in her practice, I told her that I was working on a book about the etiology of Borderline. (I didn't say that it was autobiographical... ) Whereupon her boyfriend chimed in and said "oh she knows all about Borderlines! What do you call 'em honey... the whiners?" She laughed and said that she thinks that Borderlines just need to learn to stop whining and "get over themselves." Ugh.

It was all I could do to restrain myself. I debated challenging her and letting her know that she was sitting in front of a fully functioning, polite, well-spoken Borderline. But I realized that she'd only misinterpret my actions and probably see them as hostile.

When I told my doc about it, he said that he wasn't shocked... that many, many therapists share her beliefs.

Nice to *meet* you and keep up the blogging!