Monday, January 15, 2007

Unusual insight

I read a post about diagnosing borderline personality today, and its introductory paragraph was full of a bit of unusual insight:

The term "Borderline Personality Disorder" is often bandied about by the media and laymen alike. Many of the behaviors that constitute the disorder are common to other disorders and indeed, normal human behavior.

I wish more practitioners were like this piece's author, Beth McHugh.


Bleeding Heart said...

Thanks for stopping at my blog:) I am going to take the time to read yours as well....

I don't know if I have BPD but it sure seems that way, huh?

I know that it doesn't matter, but living like this all of my life and having such a difficult time dealing with things....made my life very hard to live with..

Finding our true selves...brings closure and true "labels" gives us something to work with - something to conquer...something we can work on to make ourselves better:)

Amanda said...

I agree.

In my case I knew something was wrong, because "normal human behavior" had turned into a vicious pattern, that was impacting my life in a very abnormal, negative way.

The only regret I have, is that my fear of the label this pattern might, kept me from helping myself earlier.