Monday, May 21, 2007

Getting moving

I'm still concentrating on simply moving forward in the world. No, not moving forward, simply moving. Not standing still. Not vegetating.

I am loathe to admit it but it seems to be true: If I will simply do something, I feel better. I should be happy to admit it, happy to know it. But the truth is that depression is insidious in that way. It sucks the desire out of me, it sucks the marrow out of life. It leaves me an empty shell that doesn't want to do anything but sit and stare.

There is something in me that makes this impossible. If I simply sit and stare, I gradually grow more and more anxious, like I should be doing something, anything. So I run through the list of things I could be doing, ticking each off like beads on a rosary. But nothing seems to spark me, nothing sounds fabulous, nothing sounds the least bit fun.

So in the past few days, I have forced myself to do something anyway. Something. Go to the coffee shop. Walk the dog. Read my email. Write a post in this blog. It doesn't matter that it's a small accomplishment, having a shower every day is at least better than not having one. Putting my contact lenses in is a sign I want to be alive instead of in the hazy, fuzzy world of myopia. Buying a book and reading a few pages every hour or so is better than not reading it.

So I will keep moving. Forward, laterally, zig zag. Just keep moving.

1 comment:

Mr. Penguin said...

I know this sounds so hollow...but I feel your pain... I am so there also. I my head is spinning with therapists and doctors and new treatments, and new drugs, and new financial hurdles to order to change anything at all. It seems as though the issues I have resolved with BPD have re-manifested themselves as issues feeding my ever deepening depression.

Ironically, there is a new treatment option presented to me that might help resolve my depression for the first time in...5...6...years, but I'm more depressed. First, I cannot afford it. But if I go through with it..."Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" can I not be depressed with bills I can't pay, bill collectors, foreclosure, bankruptcy, worse?

I'm out of work -- again -- on a (limited) fixed income -- with huge debt from hospitals, medications, surgeries, living expenses from being out of work and supporting a family. My wife took a small pay cut to work only one job...but then is getting about 3-8 hours per week less than promised! In spite of the crappy insurance, those extra hours would pay my copays on the new drugs the new doctor recommended.

And all this assumes the treatment would work. Nothing else has... And I haven't decided what I am going to do, so the anxiety is torturing me.

I know this post is about you, but I write because I am in a similar funk, and I am so desperate to get out of it...but how desperate? Doing anything at seems like an achievement. Your BPD seems better controlled at this point than mine, and you have your therapist. Mine took another job, and now I have to see some guy who's filling in until they find a replacement full time. She headed up DBT group too, and now that's all in flux (anxiety) too.

I've tried to fine a new therapist on my own, but the initial visit is so expensive vs. a regular session. How many therapists can I afford to "interview" in order to find my "World's Best?"

There it goes back to me again...

I believe you have a lot still going for you. I think you have some sources of strength you can fall back on and draw from. I imagine you are in a position to take a risk...take a chance on 'something' that might move you out your current funk. If you find it, please share.

I empathize with you and your struggle. Thank you for sharing it with me...and the rest of the gives me something...something that doesn't quite have a one word description, but it feels positive, and I will cling to anything positive. If I do, how many more out there do also? You are making a + difference!

Please forgive my rambling on...and on...and on...and... :P