Saturday, May 26, 2007

What are you doing?

Are you depressed, too? Suffer from borderline personality disorder?

How are you working to make yourself feel better?

What kinds of strategies work? What doesn't work?

I need all the help I can get!

1 comment:

Polar Bear said...

It's a struggle most of the time, with BPD.

Strategies that work for me (Although not all the time)

- mindfullness, just focusing on the present, letting the past go, not worrying about the future, just focussing on the moment, and acknowledging that emotions come and go.

- sometimes distraction helps - watching TV, my favourite show, or reading a good book.

- doing something I enjoy - painting, or going out for a run, or writing in my journal.

All are really DBT skills I have learnt from my group last year. I'm still working on improving the skills with my therapist.

Hope you will find something that will help you in your stuggles.